Chef Blog

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Ananya Tiwari Ananya Tiwari
How To Cut Brussel Sprouts: 7 Easy Steps
Whether it is crispy Brussels sprouts or halved Brussels sprouts for salads, these veggies can elevate the flavor of any plate. When it comes to preparing these nutritious greens, understanding how to cut brussel sprouts is essential. So, let’s get right into it!

9 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
10 Easy Steps To Master Japanese Knife Care
It's important to know how to properly care for your knives to maintain their sharpness and fine craftsmanship. But have no fear. In this guide, we'll show you the secret to keeping your Japanese knife in top condition in easy steps.

10 Mins

Jorge Farah Jorge Farah
Here's the Best Way to Prevent Cuts in the Kitchen
Master the secret to safe cooking and bid farewell to kitchen cuts for good! Here's the best way to prevent cuts in the kitchen.

13 Mins

Ananya Tiwari Ananya Tiwari
Sharpening A Blade With Ease
Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, mastering knife sharpening is a valuable skill that enhances your culinary experience. Here’s everything you need to know about sharpening a blade and honing your knives to keep them sturdy, safe, and robust. 

10 Mins

Ananya Tiwari Ananya Tiwari
How To Fillet a Fish With Precision
Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, this guide will take you through the essential steps of filleting fish with precision and expertise. Grab your filleting knife, and cutting boards, and let's dive into the world of fish filleting!

10 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
How To Cut Mushrooms: A Guide

These tasty, flexible, and earthy fungi are utilized in a broad range of cuisines. But mastering the art of slicing and dicing mushrooms may make a world of difference. Let's examine the straightforward yet essential processes that transform these basic components into mouthwatering treats.

13 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
What Cut Of Meat Is Brisket?
In the world of meats, brisket is exceptional. To produce a tender, succulent product given its robust, fibrous nature, culinary skill is required. Learn what cut of meat is brisket, how to cut one, and the tools you need.

9 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
How To Cut Eggplant In Different Ways
Learning how to cut this vibrant deep purple gem is an essential skill that opens the door to a world of culinary feasts. Whether you plan to grill, roast, saute, or stew, mastering the craft of cutting eggplant is your gateway to a balance of flavors and textures.

10 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
How To Cut A Jalapeno And Unlock Their Fiery Potential
Learning how to cut a jalapeño is like mastering a secret ingredient that can kick your dishes up a notch. Whether you're a heat-seeker or just looking to add a bit of zing to your recipes, this humble green pepper holds the key. 

8 Mins

Ananya Tiwari Ananya Tiwari
How To Clean A Wok Without Much Armwork
Cleaning a stunning wok can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to. Let’s dive right into how you clean your wok without much arm work. 

6 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
How To Cook Burgers In The Oven
While unconventional to some, the oven-cooked burger promises a juicy, mouthwatering patty with a perfect sear that's second to none. Join me on this flavorful journey as we uncover the secret of how to cook burgers in the oven!

13 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
How To Store Cut Cucumbers So They Stay Crisp As Long As Possible
Mastering the art of storing and cutting cucumbers is a kitchen essential for any culinary enthusiast. From maintaining their crispness to achieving uniform slices, these skills open up a world of culinary possibilities.

11 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
How To Bake A Potato Perfectly In The Oven
Whether you're a kitchen novice or a seasoned home cook, aiming for a classic baked potato with traditional toppings or looking to experiment with creative fillings, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to achieve a perfect baked potato every time.

7 Mins

Ananya Tiwari Ananya Tiwari
How To Clean Burnt Stainless Steel Pans With Ease
Cleaning a stubborn or burnt pan is quite a pain when you’re done cleaning your dishes. But, it doesn’t have to be. Here’s everything you need to know about cleaning a burnt stainless steel pan with ease and without much armwork.

9 Mins

Ananya Tiwari Ananya Tiwari
How To Dice An Onion Without Breaking A Sweat
Whether it is achieving the flavour, texture, or taste, the large variety of onions out there will make the job tenfold easier for you. In this blog, I’ll walk you through how to select, cook, and dice an onion to perfection without breaking a sweat. 

10 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
How To Cut Lobster Tail Like A Boss
Picture yourself, knife in hand, poised to transform a humble lobster tail into a culinary masterpiece. In this guide, we'll not only walk you through the steps, but we'll do it with style, turning you into a maestro of lobster tail mastery.

9 Mins

Jorge Farah Jorge Farah
How to Butterfly Shrimp the Right Way
Butterflying shrimp involves carefully slicing along the back and pressing it flat. With the right tools and a little patience, you can make restaurant-quality butterfly shrimp right at home. Keep reading for all the deets.

13 Mins

Jorge Farah Jorge Farah
How Long to Grill Chicken Breast So It's Perfect Every Time

Achieve juicy tenderness and transform chicken breasts into succulent perfection on the grill by learning how long to grill chicken breast accurately.

13 Mins

Jorge Farah Jorge Farah
How to Sharpen a Kitchen Knife Like a Pro
To sharpen a kitchen knife like a pro, you'll want to start with the right tools either manual or electric sharpeners or a sharpening stone. The key is maintaining a consistent 20-degree angle and transitioning from coarse grit to fine grit for that cutting-edge finish.

14 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
Easy Step-By-Step Guide On How To Butterfly A Chicken Breast Fast
This guide provides a step-by-step explanation of how to butterfly a chicken breast effectively, enhancing your cooking skills, and culinary repertoire.

7 Mins

Dalstrong Content Team Dalstrong Content Team
How To Store Cut Avocado So It Stays Fresh And Creamy
Avocado lovers, rejoice! Let's uncover the science behind avocado oxidation, reveal the essential tools you'll need, and share expert tips on how to cut an avocado. Say goodbye to wasted avocados and hello to a world of endless avocado possibilities. Let's dive in and master the art of avocado storage!

10 Mins